Homelessness In America Research Paper

Words: 621
Pages: 3

Homelessness is a wide and expensive issue in America. Thousands of people in America are homeless or near homelessness. Homelessness is when a person is not in possession of a home or a place to live. Homelessness is a widespread problem in America and is caused by many factors. The American system needs to change if communities are to lower or stop homelessness because of drugs, a lack of government support, and rising house prices. Drugs are a major issue for homeless people. Drugs can be the reason people become homeless or stay homeless. Drugs, like cocaine or ice, are highly addictive substances. Drugs can make people homeless because they make it hard to find a home or a job. “Addictive disorders disrupt relationships with family and …show more content…
“The government does only the bare minimum to support the homeless throughout America.”(Lack of funding and support)In the American government, we spend very little money on support for people who truly need help. More programs are needed for the feeding and bathing of the homeless across America. This would drastically change the number of people who are homeless. In order to get the homeless off the streets, we need more long-term housing and more job opportunities. Lack of government support is a main reason why people become and stay homeless. Another reason why people become homeless is because house prices are rising. Many homeless people deserve their position in life because they do drugs and are lazy. Even though homeless people don’t have jobs and some do drugs, that doesn’t deprive them of their rights. “People who are currently on the streets can still find work that helps out the community, such as becoming a cook or cashier.”(Community Impact) Mental health problems and stress can lead people towards drugs, pushing homeless people into bad scenarios. Additionally, people can stop doing drugs and contribute to the community and