Mercutio Is To Blame For Romeo's Death

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Pages: 2

In the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo seems to be very desperate for love. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is in love with a girl named Rosaline. Rosaline acknowledges his love for her, but she does not love him back. Romeo becomes heartbroken, but then moves on quickly and finds a girl named Juliet. They both introduce themselves, but they feel a connection between them. They instantly fall in love and kiss. They then talk about getting married, they agree, then they decide to keep it a secret. Tybalt, who is Juliet's cousin, hears about the marriage arrangement somehow and wants to fight Romeo. Tybalt kills Romeo’s friend Mercutio by accident because Romeo impedes their “play fighting”. Romeo then kills Tybalt in revenge for Mercutio. If Romeo hadn’t gotten in the way, would Tybalt and Mercutio be alive? Is Romeo the person to blame for these two deaths, and possibly more? …show more content…
The Prince hears that his cousin Mercutio has been killed by Tybalt, and Tybalt has been killed by Romeo. The Prince exiles Romeo, and he says that Romeo will be executed immediately if his face is seen ever again. Romeo then hears that he is exiled, so he goes and spends his final night with Juliet in her room. The morning comes by and he leaves Juliet. Juliet becomes sad that Romeo was leaving, so she comes up with a plan to fake her death so she can escape with Romeo. The plan was to send a letter to Romeo to tell him she was faking her death by drinking a potion that slows her breath and heart rate down, and to wake up with Romeo next to her tomb so they can run away