America's Journey Speeches

Words: 1383
Pages: 6

Today I will embark on my United States journey. I have many locations to visit, activities planned and a few things that I haven’t decided on yet. My sister Kaylin was begging to come with me, so she will be keeping me company. In order to keep the trip from lasting too long, we can only stay in each designated state for one day. Our first stop will be here in our home state, Minnesota.

Day 1 - Minnesota
Today Kaylin and I visited Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, Minnesota. The lighthouse was operated from 1910 to 1969. The lighthouse was built because ships were crashing on the shores. While we were there, we were taking pictures of each other, and Kaylin wanted one of her on the rocks in Lake Superior. When she tried to carefully
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When we got up in the morning we ate a quick breakfast and headed to Yellowstone National Park. We were excited to see Yellowstone’s most famous geyser, Old Faithful. It erupts about 17 times a day. We waited for what seemed like forever to see Old Faithful erupt, but it was thrilling and worth the wait. After it stopped, we quickly started hiking to one of the park’s many waterfalls and to see what else the park has to offer. While we were hiking to a waterfall, Kaylin started freaking out because she realized there might be bears here. Luckily we didn’t run into any bears. All too soon we were headed to the airport to fly to our next …show more content…
Today we will see the Statue of Liberty. I wanted to see Niagara Falls, but it’s too far away from here. The Statue of Liberty was first opened on October 28th 1886. We took the first ferry over to Liberty Island. Once we made it to the Island, we were ready to start the trek to the top. It took us awhile to get to the top because there were so many stairs, but the view was amazing. It made all of the work of getting up there worth it. I took lots of pictures of the marvelous view. When we made it down we took the ferry back to Battery Park, and headed back to New York City. We explored the city until it was time to head to the