Hedda Gabler Essay

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Pages: 3

Ibsen Essay
Compare and contrast the characters of Hedda and Thea.
Even though two people may have been raise in the same manner, they can turn out completely different. Hedda Gabler and Thea Elvested are both characters in the play Hedda Gabler; written by Norwegian play writer Henrik Ibsen. In this story, these two women are both from upper class families , and grew up quite well. These two women may have some common qualities, but they are as similar as night and day.
However, these two women still have some common qualities. They both grow up with upper class families and are used to the finer things in life. Both women had some type of relationship with Mr. Ejlert Lovborg and are unhappy with their marriage. Both wont more out of life then what they have, with Hedda is freedom and control and with Thea, happiness. But that is where the similarities end.
Hedda Gabler/Tesman is a brash and outspoken woman. Growing up as the daughter of the great army General Gabler, she is used to the luxuries of a higher class of people and lifestyle. When she married George Tesman, she had to give up said luxuries because he is a class below her. We are introduced to her when she comes back from her honeymoon with her new husband, and is greeted by her husband’s aunt, Julia. She insults Julia by pretending Aunt
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While Hedda is brash, Thea is meek. While Hedda is uncaring of people, Thea cares. In the beginning of the play, we are led to believe that Thea is a weak character because she let Hedda bully her and manipulate her but she is not. Thea Elvsted is a brave character because she does not care about what other people will say when she decides to leave her husband. She went to another town, looking for Mr. Lovborg, so he won’t go back to drinking alcohol. When Mr Lovborg dies, works alongside Mr. Tesman to work on Mr. Lovborg manuscript. Thea is someone who cares and more of a supporting female character than