Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree

Words: 494
Pages: 2

Why do people never give in return? In The Giving Tree The boy never gives back to the tree. Many people do this in the world today. In The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein shows the tree generously giving the boy everything it has to offer, until she has nothing left but her stump. The tree won’t stop giving to the boy no matter what. She gives everything she has to the boy. She gives the boy apples when he wants money. He wants something and the tree just gives it to him no questions asked. She gives to the boy because she cares for him for some reason. most likely because he would always play with her when he was young and then he grew apart. The boy does not show that he cares for the tree. He doesn’t really give anything back in return …show more content…
The boy knows he has taken everything from the tree other than the stump and has used it. The boy says he “doesn't need very much now”. He is old and can’t do anything all he wants is "just a quiet place to sit and rest.” He does what the tree tells him and sits on the tree stump to rest. The tree feels bad that she can’t give him anything. She gets happy when she gives to him, she is caring. The tree gets happiness from giving to the boy, because whenever she is around the boy, she is happy. The tree gives to the boy and each time she does. Shel says in the book that the tree was happy. The tree let the boy sit on its it is stump and then she was happy. She can only be happy when she is giving to the boy or she is near him. because she has nothing else to do. the boy is only happy when he receives from the giving tree. the boy always takes from her and never gives back because the tree is already happy from giving to him. The tree is always happy from giving and the boy takes from it.”The tree was happy.” The tree was happy and the boy was happy. In the book both the giving tree and the boy are happy so there isn’t a problem with the boy always taking. The tree is happy with giving, and the boy is happy with taking, but the tree is dying because of it. This book is about how being greedy can hurt people and you shouldn’t take without giving anything in