Should People Be Allowed To Acquire Personal Irresponsibility?

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Pages: 3

If a student posts a negative and inappropriate post about another student for a crime, and sources show that there is more to the story, should investigators be allowed to search personal belongings, such as a phone, to learn more? Where does investigating reach its limit? Some people believe that officials should not be able to search through personal information because it violates people’s rights. Officials should be able to use information obtained from private devices or social networking sites in order to protect the whole community.
Being able to find out information on private devices can prove to be beneficial to both schools and legal investigations. For example, phones contain a wide variety of information that could help detectives in their studies. Detective Chris Grider was quoted saying, “We were able to establish who (the arrested people) were in contact with. It helps us to find out who may also be involved in that crime.” Officers actually have a reason and a motive
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It can easily be abused and taken advantage of. They believe that it is unfair to give authorities the ability to “rummage at leisure” through private and personal information simply because a device or an account was taken from someone’s person. However, if the person has done something worth investigating, then the official should be able to obtain information with a purpose that would bring the case to a successful close. It is fair to search someone’s belongings if they’ve already been convicted of a crime with logical and rational evidence. After all, officials have the intention of good, which is why they are taking convicted peoples’ device or social account away with reason. They look through information that can prove to be useful or worthy in an investigation. They are in search of key knowledge involved in a