The House On Mango Street Rising And Esperanza's Rising

Words: 403
Pages: 2

Whereas Lisel and Esperanza shape the setting differently, Lisel accepts what happens to her faster than Esperanza does. Meaning that Esperanza takes years to finally accept what happened to her father. For instance, Esparanza says in the book Esperanza Rising that she feels she can not do anything because her role model, her papa, died and is not there to be her influence. Esperanza also feels a sense of her disappearing into the world and will no longer be on earth. In the book "Esperanza Rising," page 22 states, “She fell to her knees and sank into a dark hole of despair and disbelief.” This piece of evidence shows how Esperanza is feeling a sense of disappearing into a hole, and that she will not be able to live without her papa. In addition,