A Conversation With My Father Grace Paley Analysis

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Pages: 5

From all of the given short stories I choose “A conversation with my father” by Grace paley. Because the story is all about relationship and generation gap between two decades. In this story writer also show the love of a dying 86 years old father for his daughter who is the narrator of this story. This story is basically a tragedy or grief of the narratorʼs life . Itʼs not mentioned whether the writer is a boy or a girl , I assume she is a girl. In this story she had a conversation with her ‘Bedriddenʼ father. The story was like that, at first the father of the narrator request her to write a story what he described and then he told her a story without love, manner, sympathy and all character of the story was recognizable. Then her father told her to write this kind of stories for people. After that the narrator of this story wrote a story like her father but he wasn't pleased by her story then she wrote another story with a nice ending but her father told that every story doesn't need a happy ending but the father was trying to convince his daughter to …show more content…
So she ends the story with a hope rather a tragedy. The quote “everyone…deserves the open destiny of life” reflects her thought. I would like to say it is ironical, as the story reflects too much hope. Again the father says “Doesn't anyone have the time to run down to City Hall before they jump into bed" and to this his daughter replies "In real life, yes. But in my stories, no.”. This is also ironical as this does not reflect the reality. Things are changed from the time of father and his daughter’s, so as the literature. In this story father criticizes daughter’s story with the older view point which get changed and motivates and suggests her to develop the character and the story at some points. At some points daughter can’t agree with his father’s arguments. That demonstrates difficulty of balancing a parent and child