Adjusting to college can be very difficult. This new found freedom can be detrimental or a blessing depending on the student. Students will be exposed to new social environment. This environment is monitor by the college. When the college cultivates a strong peer culture, in which students participate frequently in college-sponsored activities and develop close campus friendships, the students will feel included in the college community. This will then lead to a health social adjustment to the college for the students. …show more content…
When students perceive their college to be concerned about the individual student, and when there is an emphasis on supportive services, they will benefit. This comes down to the programming and services of the college. For instance, Nazareth College uses the software called Starfish, which allows for the faculty and staff to identify students that are not adjusting well to the rigors of academia by sending notifications to their academic advisor, the professor of the class that they are struggling in, and the Center for Student Success. Therefore, the student can be helped before the time is too late. This kind of programming can help the student because the student may feel as the community is helping them achieve, rather than on their