Banning Pitbulls Research Paper

Words: 554
Pages: 3

Why pitbulls should be pets

Pit bulls should not be banned because they respond extremely well to dog training and develop strong obedience toward their owners. These dogs can and will learn to accept others into their territory if trained and pit bulls, like most dogs, can become aggressive if treated poorly or raised in an environment that encourages aggression. So why not focus on the root causes of dog bites and attacks, such as irresponsible ownership? Pit bulls are great family pets because pit bulls love humans so much that they make a great choice for families.

Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous. Like any other dog, they can become violent, aggressive, and mean through lack of training, abuse, neglect, and irresponsible ownership and breeding, as well as a lack of attention to health and temperament issues. Aggressive dogs aren’t born that way. Mean dogs frequently aren’t properly socialized as puppies; they also likely have been abused or starved well into adulthood. People choose Pit Bulls for dog fighting simply because they’re strong and large, not because they’re monsters.
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Pit bulls are just like other breeds of dogs. All breeds can attack when they feel like they or someone that they love is in danger and people should be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets because that's how you train a pit bull to be and to become. People say adopting a pit bull is dangerous, not all pit bulls are the same, some can change their ways and adapt to their new living situations and become loving dogs and the animal is trained in a manner that promotes this training as a pit