Batman Hero's Journey

Words: 1610
Pages: 7

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley is a comic book that explores a dystopian future, aging, violence, and justice as Bruce Wayne returns as Batman in Gotham City. The story begins with news reporters discussing the high crime rates in Gotham City, causing Bruce Wayne to debate bringing Batman out of retirement after 10 years. As he starts roaming the city and catching criminals, many citizens are conflicted with their opinions on Batman and his ways of seeking justice. However, Batman did not care and continued to fight for justice, despite facing new challenges and fighting with his inner demons. In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, many themes are being portrayed. The themes that are going to be …show more content…
Additionally, Carrie saw Bruce Wayne's identity. Overall, the element of allies/helpers is a major element of the hero's journey throughout the novel, since it shows the role of collaboration and support in Bruce Wayne's quest as Batman. Additionally, the element allies/helpers connect with living with two identities for Bruce Wayne. When he was debating on whether or not he should bring back Batman. Bruce Wayne was struggling within himself to see if it was the right decision or not. He mentioned how it would go away the next morning. However, Bruce uses his allies and helpers to support him in maintaining the balance between his public view and his role as Batman. On page 200 panels 11 and 12, Bruce and Carrie discuss his fake death: "My timing wasn't quite precise enough, Clark heard- that was the first thing Robin told me–when she dug me up”(Miller). This shows how Bruce's allies/helpers helped him fake his death. They did this to help balance his public view and his role as