Referring to Obama as “mealy-mouthed” and Trump as a person who is just going to throw everything all away. Cooper goes on and states, “...also because the only obstacle are the politically powerless Native Americans…” I do not agree with this statement whatsoever. All americans have some sort of political say so due to that Cooper's argument is false by saying the native americans have no political say. They do have political say...they are able to protest against the new site of the pipeline that would damage their living conditions. They politically have the right to protest and speak their mind because under the constitution there is the freedom of speech. All of these factors are included politically, so no I don't agree with Cooper that Native Americans are powerless because they obviously have a powerful say. Additionally, Cooper summarizes the damage done to the protesters. He says, “The U.S. government’s records towards American Indians is frankly genocidal…” I do not agree with his statement because the definition of genocidal is the intentional action to destroy people of a certain