Discuss The Roles Of Tateh And Sam In The Color Of Water By Ruth Mcbride

Words: 614
Pages: 3

Ruth McBride, or if you go by her birthname Ruchel Dwwarja Alyska, is the narrator, James’, mother in his autobiography “The Color of Water.” Ruth is a powerful and resilient woman, who grew up in an abusive household. The abuse in her household, was perpetrated by her father, who she called “Tateh.” Ruth also had a brother, called Sam, who would run away at 15 years old from the family, and move to Chicago. This essay will discuss the roles of Tateh and Sam in the story, and their relationship to Ruth.

Ruth was originally born in Poland, in 1921. Her family would immigrate to the United States, and they would constantly move around the country, due to her father's constant attempts at trying to capitalize on being an Orthodox Rabbi. After