I believe that I had some strong papers and I have had some weak papers. I think my strong papers would have to be my journals for both “Spare Parts” and “Picking Cotton”. In “Spare Parts”, I was pleased with the dedication that I put into with all of my responses to the questions. I also was really pleased with my “Picking Cotton” journal because I was asked for an electronic copy to use as an example. I put a lot of work into all of my writings, but “Spare Parts” and “Picking Cotton” had to be my best pieces of work. My weakest piece of work would have had to be my “Spare Parts” essay. I had a hard time explaining and conveying my theme throughout the entire essay. I felt like I just didn’t do a good enough job on it. I also wasn’t very happy with my argumentative paper because I changed my mind on my topic at the last minute. I had a hard time coming up with a good thesis for it. Overall I don’t think it was a bad paper, I just didn’t like how many times I restarted