Would you turn to drugs, join a gang, or do something positive with your life? To help explain this here is an article Fatherless kids ‘turn to booze, drugs and crime’ by Newton Dunn, “Charity Addaction says kids seek escape in drink and drugs and lash out with anti-social behaviour. Report author Dr Martin Glynn said: ‘Our evidence suggests not having a dad is deeply damaging to a young person.’” More than likely, most kids without dads will turn to alcohol, gangs, or anything to fill that void. Groups visualize those kids as potential menaces to society and don’t give those kids, teens, or even adults the proper help they need. There have also been Celebrities who’ve overcame the odds and had a successful life, such as Bill Clinton, Tupac Shakur, and so more. Everyone needs a father and a mother in their lives for nurturing and discipline. Frequently, we have kids out on the streets due to the lack of a strong father