Is College Worth It Research Paper

Words: 626
Pages: 3

Is College Worth It? Many teenagers right now are asking themselves, is college really worth the price? There are some bad things that could come out of going or paying for college, but the good things outweigh them, making college worth it. The cost of college is worth it because it creates better job opportunities, allows for personal development, and will give the opportunity to get higher earnings.

College graduates make higher earnings after college. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the median income for a high school graduate is $30,000, while those with a bachelor’s degree make around $52,000. So if you go to college and get a bachelor’s degree, then you will make more in the long run. “Actually, College Is Very Much
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“The Value of a College Degree” says “In 1970, only 26 percent of middle-class workers had any kind of education beyond high school. Today, nearly 60 percent of all jobs in the U.S. economy require higher education.” Over 50% of jobs require such a high education, so if you go to college and get a higher education, people will get better jobs. The “How a College Degree Improves Employment and Earnings” says “Because a college education offers students the ability to learn a wide range of skills, graduates are able to explore a variety of career opportunities and job prospects, which may result in improved job security in the long term.” College gives people the chance to have a variety of great jobs and careers. “Having a bachelor’s degree opens up rewarding opportunities that might have otherwise been inaccessible,” he said. For example, college graduates see 57 percent more job opportunities than non-graduates. The “10 Benefits of Having a College Degree” says”If people go to college and get a degree, then people would have so much better job opportunities than the people that don’t go to college. College is so worth it because people can get so many better job