N4t1 Unit 2 Creative Writing

Words: 993
Pages: 4

The small portable radio buzzed intensely, annihilating the young men's eardrums with a sharp, piercing frequency, trying to continuously reach back with assistance. “Hello, this is Sergeant Penelope, do you read me, I repeat do you read me, there is an engine failure, prepare for emergency-” The signal trying to reach back with radio transmission. Ralph immediately tilted his neck back, his golden locks dancing like a blown balloon, aggressively rubbed on his silky, shiny, golden hair. “Yes, I can hear you, can- can- you- you- hear-” repeated Ralph in a deep Australian tone, attempting to connect back by aggressively holding on to the bright red button. The radio signal briskly ceased, only for the deafening alarm to crash into the silence, …show more content…
“ I’ll take spacecraft Mini N4T2” a muffled plump, Jewish fellow at the back, with his spectacles slipping down his mountainous, parrot nose, squeezing the air-tight dome helmet down his brunette hair colour. The launch of Mini N4T2, N4T3 and N4T4 commenced from its pods and crashed on the moon with a collective group of powder which turned the colour of the pods ashy grey. Ralph twisted his not so bulky body to his right, looking strangely and ensuring the rest had their dome helmets connected safely to their oxygen tanks before they stepped out of the space pod, however, he looked concerningly at the back of the pod at the plump fellow, struggling to unwrap his safety belt, and raised an eyebrow. The plump fellow looked dead in Ralph’s eye with an innocent look. “I’m Piggy, just to let you know, i wont be exploring much, i get tired quickly and out of breath,” Piggy spoke in a cautious tone, seemingly annoying Ralph un-intentionally. Piggy grunted, looked out the window and was concerned about getting back home, but was realistically curious to gather the others and complete their