Psychology: Nervous System and Brain Essay

Submitted By headshotfrankie
Words: 2099
Pages: 9

Myth of the day - psychics have assisted the police in investigations
The mode - the score that most people got
Frequency distribution - list all the possible scores from high to low and then list how many people got each score. how frequent was each score obtained. Usually forms a bell shape.
Median - The score in the middle. Otherwise known as the fiftieth percentile.
Central Tendency - The average
If everyone scored the same on every test, then everyone would get the model score, median score, and average score.
The Mean - the arithmatic mean; add up all the scores and divide by the number of scores.
Scued distribution - poor statistics.
Any central of tendency loses a lot of information.
Range - The difference between the highest score and the lowest.
The interquartile range - The difference between the 25th percentile and 75h percentile.
The standard deviation - The square root of the variants. (see notes)
For each score you subtract the mean, then square each difference, then multiply by th
The "z" score - See notes
Alfred Binet - Came up with the "mental age".
Standard deviation helps determine correlation.
Myth of the day – Some people only use one side of their brain
Axon – a fiber which leaves the cell body.
The neurons in your body are far out numbered by galile cells. The galile cells are of many different types. There are some that provide the “skeleton” for the nervous system. There are others that rid the brain of certain chemicals. There are others that wrap themselves around axons. Axons which are coated with nilon sheet are capable of conducting nerve impulses much more rapidly.
In the axon, the nerve is sort of a fuse.
The speed of the impulse depends on the size of the axon, whether it had a nilon sheet, its metabolic state.
The refractory period – a period following a nerve impulse where the nerve can’t fire
Neurons are stimulated by other neurons
Neurons stimulate cells too
The nerve impulse is an electro chemical event. The rate of conduction is anywhere from 10 – 75 mph.
Almost never is any stimulus detected by a single neuron, or any muscle moved by a single neuron.
The synapse is where one end foot of a neuron comes in close contact with dendrite.
Dopamine has an important effect on certain aspects of the brain that control mood.
Myth of the day – drinking a lot of coffee will sober you up
Gaba a major inhibitor neuro-transmitter
Glutama one of the major excitatory neurons
Ceratonine activating the nervous system; motivates you
The nervous system consists of two parts the central nervous sytem – the brain and the spinal cord, the peripheral consists of everything else.
The nerves
Affert - sensored
Effert – motored
No behaviors take place without the central nervous system.
Sensory consists mostly of effert fibers. The motor system. The somatic system. The autonomic is involved with glands, smooth muscle, heart.
Effert consists of autonomic and somatic.
The Affert
Alien leg syndrome – when you don’t get feedback from any part of your body
Autonomic system sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Often times the two have opposite effects on various parts of your body. Sympathetic system speeds everything up. Parasympathetic more specific. The rise of blood pressure will activate the sympathetic nervous system.
The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is much more than a pathway between the body and the brain. The demarcation between the spinal cord is not a nice line. The spinal cord has two sections: The dorsal side – sensory, the ventural side – motored. The central nervous system is completely encased in bone. The central nervous system is hollow and filled with cerebearo fluid. The central nervous system is lined with three surfaces.
The brain doesn’t repair itself very well.
The brain consists of three major parts: hind brain, mid brain, and fore brain. In development as we go from more primitive vertebrates to