Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in the United States
Tina Hendley
Professor Curry
In what ways were the data collection procedure appropriate for this study? For this study I believe that the data collection was which was in the form of an interview. In this study “ Becoming Teen Parents” Ms. Jones had interview 20 teen girls as well as 20 teen boys all from different areas of life, on why they believe they became teen parents. In what ways were appropriate steps taken to protect the rights of the subjects? In this study, Ms. Jones did not give the last names of those that participated in it, or were they even lived. She did however, recognize them by using their age and first name. In what ways is the data collection tool used to support the reliability and validity of this study? The data collection tool that was used was the use of the interviews, as well as the open ended questions that she asked each of them, so instead of simple stating yes or no, they went and gave her a complete answer. With this Ms. Jones was able to get a better understanding of why teens are becoming parents at such an early age. It’s important to this study because it gives an insight on why they chose to have children so early in life, and how they feel about it the situation. The study is done to close the gap on why teens are having children at an early age in life. The subjects in this study was teens emancipated by law, so parental consent was not a factor at all. All documentation that was used in this study was destroyed after this research was done, so no harm came to anyone that performed in it.
Data Analysis Procedures
In what ways are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data that was collected? It is appropriate because it was done in a form of interviews and then they took the interviews and turned them into a semi collection of stories of why teens become pregnant at such an early age. The articles sole purpose was to bridge the gap on what teens thought about the situation, it provided insight on why they did not blame themselves a)the other partner b) their parents (for any reason) c)a doctor. iliInstead looked at the reason itself on why they chose to have children so early in life and finally to get a better understanding of why teens are becoming parents. In what ways are the data analysis procedure for answering the research question or questions for testing the hypothesis or hypotheses, or both.
The definition of hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of the limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. The hypothesis of this article is not stated; if there was a hypothesis it would most likely be what the researcher feels that there is a risk factor and adolescent pregnancy. Also how low self-esteem are parental control is also a contributor to teenage pregnancies.
What are the key distinctions between qualitative and quantitative data? When looking at the reliability of this research, the qualitative and quantitative data must be considered. Reliability and validity demonstrates communication of the process and the dependability of the findings. Results should always avoid misleading participants. Validity of a study is a subtle concept that measures data accurately providing useful and trustworthy findings. Qualitative data is descriptive. Soft data, qualitative is gathered through informal communications during the study. Qualitative data adds color to the research and is not concerned with the outcomes of the study. Quantitative is the hard numbers of the research. This includes the statistics of the data that will be collected. When it comes to health care research, quantitative data collection is the most appropriate. Statistics for this study was collected from the birth rates of those between 15-19 years they are categorized by ethnicity