Senior Honors Thesis

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Pages: 5

Why are you interested in joining the Communication and Media Senior Honors Thesis Program?

I am particularly interested in the Communication and Media Senior & Honors Thesis Program because it aligns perfectly with my future aspirations and academic goals. Throughout my three years at this institution, I have honed my analytical and research skills through various communications courses. However, most of these classes focus on very specific subject matter, leaving little room for individual exploration. Engaging in this program offers an opportunity to delve into specialized areas within my field of interest and allows me to foster an even deeper understanding of communication and media dynamics. In addition, as someone contemplating graduate
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You can adjust this in the fall, but it's important that you have an idea of your research interests. Also, note which courses in Communication and Media (and, if relevant, in other LSA departments) shaped your interest in this research topic. (250 …show more content…
Specifically, the trend involves women showing themselves without makeup, accompanied by a screen caption which usually states, “This is what a [blank-year-old] face looks like without any procedure or botox.” Despite the videos appearing positive and promoting self-acceptance of aging through body language and background music chosen, the comments are often negative. They suggest that visible signs of aging mean someone hasn't tried to look after themselves, implying moral judgment on those who age without cosmetic help, or those who age “badly.” Conversely, the videos themselves suggest that it's better to accept natural aging than to resort to cosmetic procedures. In this analysis, I plan to delve into the code embedded within the videos and the accompanying comments. Through this investigation, I aim to uncover deeper insights into how society's norms influence the association between a woman's age and her moral values. Furthermore, I believe that comparing the moral judgments presented in both the content and comments will help us understand the complex relationship between beauty standards, aging, and morality on social media. My interest in this research area grew from a course I took with Professor Apryl Williams called Critical Internet. In the class, we analyzed topics related to video games and influencer