Solitary Confinement Research Paper

Words: 1152
Pages: 5

What is solitary confinement? Solitary confinement is the isolation of a prisoner in a separate cell as punishment. The overall purpose of this is to maintain institutional order and reduce victimization by removing certain people from the general prison population for their own safety or the safety of others. Although solitary confinement can be useful, in some cases inmates are being mentally and physically abused in confinement. There should be alternative methods that help inmates not end up in solitary confinement and programs that can help lessen recidivism overall.

Solitary confinement has a negative effect, physically and psychologically, on a person. Over time, a person tends to become ill while being placed in solitary confinement.
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There are many solutions that can help victims who have been in solitary confinement. We apply the right resources to help inmates in various places. We can change the viewpoint of solitary confinement and show everyone there could be other ways to reform inmates. According to the article “A case study of solitary confinement,” it states, “ways to motivate incarcerated persons to engage in programming and mental health care.” This shows how there could be programs put together to help inmates do better in prison instead of constantly putting them in solitary confinement. The passage also states, “maximize out of cell time in which persons are engaged in meaningful social activities.” This explains how if you keep inmates actively engaged in other activities, they will not feel the need to behave manic. Lastly, the passage states, “focusing on improving the health and dignity of each person.” This shows the importance of health when either working or being an inmate inside a prison. Solitary confinement worsens the mindset of any inmate who is put in there. With different programs and health support, we can reform inmates everywhere. Although it may not work for all, it will help a portion of individuals who are