When it comes down to it, there’s simply no way to truly express our emotions to each other. More truthfully, it’s doubtful that our own individual interpretations of our emotions are even the same from one person to the next. One person’s happy is not necessarily another person’s happy.
Music is one of the few things in life that is appreciated universally. Do you know anyone who just simply doesn’t like music? Perhaps they don’t like specific genres, but there just seems to be a mystery to music that we all find some level of fascination with.
I believe this is because music is not just an art form. While there is the element of the written language in a lot of music in the form of lyrics; music in its deepest core is about expressing feelings. Beethoven wrote no words into his music, yet conveyed serious and strong emotions through his work; as have a wide range of artists throughout time and all around the world. The notes, beats, chords, phrases, patterns, tempos, and structure of music is a world that simply hasn’t been fully discovered yet. And it’s one that the whole world is discovering as one united species. Because music is one of those rare things in existence that can be felt by all of us.
It’s no surprise that musical artists that move things forward are under appreciated in