I chose to be strong during the lowest points in my life, now I am strong in the highest points in my life as well. Along with being strong, softball, as an object and a sport, can be very meaningful to some people. To myself and many others softball is more than just an object or sport. As time goes on softball becomes a mindset and a way you live your life. I can compare myself to the meaningfulness of a softball because some people’s lives would be empty without me, but to others I mean virtually nothing. I’ve been playing softball for nearly seven years, but when I first began playing the sport was just a sport to me. Over time softball has gone from being only a game to me to being a way of life. Like the sport, people can learn a lot from me. In my opinion I am very wise and mature for my age. My friends and family often tell me they have learned a lot …show more content…
I’m assuming you all know that softball is a sport composed of hitting, throwing, and fielding. Throughout my life I’ve had a tendency to do whatever others ask of me in an attempt to “fit in”. As I’ve gotten older i realized that this was a terrible plan because i do not need the approval of others, when i had this realization i began to stop letting people throw me