Who Was Responsible For The Chicago Fire Of 1871

Words: 443
Pages: 2

The Chicago Fire of 1871 also called the Great Chicago Fire. On October 8, 1871 fire broke out in a barn, Mrs. O’Leary’s barn. It is still unknown today how the fire was started. Although the fire was believed to be started by Mrs. O’Leary’s cow knocking over a lantern which may have caused the fire to start. Other theories say that humans or even a meteor could have been responsible for the fire. The day of the fire the firefighters were worn out and it took them extra time to get there, also they had been sent to the wrong place at first. When the firefighters eventually arrived the fire was out of control. It took two days to put out the fire with the help of rain. It spread rapidly.
It not only destroyed the barn, which it started