0913 Combat Instructor

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Pages: 4

What is the role of the 0913 combat instructor in ensuring warfighting is incorporated in the transformation of entry-level marines?

Upon leaving recruit training, entry-level Marines graduate and leave without knowledge of warfighting. They come to Marine Combat Training (MCT) it’s the combat instructor’s responsibility to teach and give the Marines an understanding of what warfighting is. We as combat instructors have a responsibility to ensure this is accomplished; we teach infantry tactics, techniques and procedures and each one is derived from warfighting and its origin.

The role the 0913 Combat Instructor plays in incorporating warfighting to the entry-level Marine is by unlocking the understanding that everything we do as Marines
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Friction, uncertainty, and disorder are a few ways we incorporate warfighting into our training philosophy. Once the students break down into their squads on training day one, they start getting more of a one on one interaction with their combat instructor and that’s when the knowledge and understanding start to flow. Not only is the combat instructor teaching in accordance with the program of instruction (POI) they’re also incorporating personal experiences, stories, and expertise based on years of experience in the fleet operating forces and training cycles spent at MCT. They have the first-hand experience and knowledge to give to these Marines who’ve never heard of warfighting or ever been exposed to the opportunity to be submerged into our …show more content…
From making a simple decision as to wake up in the morning and shave to firing and maneuvering on the live-fire and movement range (LFAM) these students get a task and purpose, they get an opportunity to strive and fail. If a failure occurs, we help guide that student back onto the right path and help set them up for success.

This all combines and is applied in its maximal state during the battle skills retention exercise (BSRE) where everything these Marines have been taught throughout MCT is applied and their decisions or lack of have impacts on what happens or doesn’t. They get an opportunity to see how combat power and styles of warfare are used, they experience what their commander’s intent is, come up with a plan of attack and shape