In the EYFS it states “A registered provider or a childcare worker may be disqualified from registration. In the event of the disqualification of a registered provider, the provider must not continue as an early years provider – nor be directly concerned in the management of such provision. Where a person is disqualified, the provider must not employ that person in connection with early year’s provision. Where an employer becomes aware of relevant information that may lead to disqualification of an employee, the provider must take appropriate action to ensure the safety of children.” This means that if there has been and incident where a practitioner has been disqualified, the company should instantly take action to ensure the children are safe i.e. this could be removing the person from the room containing children. It is also simply saying, once you have been disqualified, your abilities to work with children should then become completely invalid within the setting. Something as serious as a disqualification, the EYFS states that no practitioner should be under the influence of any drugs, alcohol or medication which could be deemed as unfit and inappropriate. This is to ensure that the children are safe and won’t be