It guides the parctitioner/ parent where to go and how to help give the child a safe and secure surrounding as well as future and possibly life. Children can be kept safe by their practitioner/ parent by educating the child on what is appropriate and what is unacepptable in any enviroment. Also, by monitoring the child's progress and behaviour helps to show us the child's strengths and weaknesses. On this matter, A Know How Guide; The EYFS progress check at age two states: "parents and practitioners use this knowledge and understanding in order to plan together and think through ideas of how to move the child forward." Therefore, we create an inclusive enviroment for the children to learn, be safe and prosper. To protect children, it is our responsibility to make sure the enviroment in which children learn and live has a tight enough security to ensure no harm can occur to the children. Also, we need to make sure the ratio of staff:children is distributed fairly and enough to meet all of the childrens individual needs. Finally, registration and collection times should be monitored thoroughly and reguraly to ensure all children are safe and that it reflects who attends and who does