10 Muscle Building Tips For Skinny Guys Analysis

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Pages: 5

“10 Muscle Building Tips for Skinny Guys” is an article in Men’s Health that was written by Adam Campbell in April of 2010. At first glance when pulling up the article, the first thing you will notice is that the website prompts you to turn off any ad-blocking software. This is a telltale sign that there will be a lot of sponsored advertisements on the page. Low and behold, there are many advertisements and videos that are from other sources. Most of them have nothing to do with the rest of the article, so we know that their sole purpose for being there is to raise revenue for Men’s Health. You also see a picture at the top of the webpage of what could be considered the “Alpha Male”. This image helps to convince skinny guys that they too, can have a body as toned as the man in it. His writing strives to reach an audience of men who want to look like a brave superhero rather an malnourished and feeble man. These men have been pushed around for too long and want to gain respect from other people. …show more content…
“Maybe you’ve had sand kicked in your face.” “Maybe you’ve lost one too many attainable women to beefier guys.” These statements from his writing are aimed towards connecting with the reader and making them feel inferior to the bigger men. He uses this technique to persuade the audience into believing that he has been in those situations before. While these examples of why a man might want more muscle are aimed at convincing the reader that wanting to be bigger is a normal feeling for men, they also pull the reader into the article. Each sentence is designed in a way that the audience will be tempted to read more. For example, he writes “Here’s your fix: Follow these 10 principles to pack on as much as a pound of muscle each week.” Campbell is starting to “rope in” his audience; making them want to find out about his tried and true way of gaining