Source 2: AIDS education and prevention’s “ACCEPTABILITY OF HIV/AIDS COUNSELING AND TESTING AMONG PREMARITAL COUPLE IN CHINA” (Feb 2005), prove that premarital counseling is required for couples wishing to be married in China. This source shows us the counseling primarily provides information about contraception, and evaluated adding premarital HIV/AIDS counseling and voluntary HIV testing to standard cost to the other. And Over 5% of participants admitted to premarital sex, most with a woman who is engaged to be married with, but only 20 percent used condoms. It means couple before they get married had premarital sex, but they should protect their self as well as protect their spouse by using measures to prevent diseases.
Source 3: Research Division, The Guttmacher Institute, New York, NY 10005, USA article, “ Trends in premarital sex in the United States (1954-2003)”, prove that almost all Americans have sex before marrying. They used data from four cycles of the National Survey of Family Growth, 1982-2002, and event history analysis techniques. This study examined the proportion of individuals in various cohorts who had premarital sex by various ages. There findings argue for education and interventions that provide the skills and information people need to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases once they become sexually active. This source will be makes my project more convincing the audience about issues premarital sex.
Source 4: From Wikipedia, article “Sex education”, explain that sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy. Sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, sexual abstinence, and birth control. The relation of this source is sex become a subject. It means premarital sex including sex education. Sex education give and help us know more about sexual. Traditionally, adolescents in many cultures were not given any information on sexual matter, with discussion of these issues being considered taboo. And Almost their parent don’t give any information about sexual or how to protect them before the risk of unintended pregnancy, and the increasing incidence of teenage pregnancies. This source relates with my project that you may have premarital sex, but you have to get enough information about sexual to protect yourself.
Source 5: BMC Public Health (2013), Vol.13 Issue 1, prove that unmarried youth in Hong Kong had adequate sex knowledge, but contraceptive knowledge was deficient. Based on the Youth Sexuality Survey conducted by Hong Kong Family Planning Association (FPAHK) in 201. Little is known bout sex knowledge, attitudes, and high-risk sexual behaviors among unmarried youth in Hong Kong. Premarital sex is becoming more prevalent among unmarried youth in Hong Kong, and a small proportion of young