11 Facts About Human Trafficking

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Pages: 5

20-30 million people are being trafficked worldwide (Dosomething.org). Human trafficking is when a person is sold illegally for forced labor or sex exploitation. There are many problems in the world, for example recruiting child soldiers but human trafficking is getting worse and needs immediate attention from the United Nations. Five things everyone needs to know about human trafficking is labor exploitation, sex exploitation, trafficking in America, trafficking in India, and how everyone can stop this issue. The first thing everyone needs to know is Flor and her story on her experience of forced labor. Forced Labor is when a person is working for a company for long hours with minimal or no pay. In the article, 11 Facts About Human Trafficking …show more content…
Making it 80% of trafficking. A college student named McKenzie needed to pay for college. She met this guy and fell in love with him. He said that she could dance for clients to make the money. Someone wanted sex from her but she said no then the guy she fell in love with started to choke her. She wanted to leave but her lover said he would kill her family. She had the chances and did escape but felt so scared that he would kill her family. She would be forced to bring people across the border. She was able to escape by running and claiming to be running from her ex-boyfriend then the neighbor called the police. She was later charged with prostitution and bringing minors across the border. Then was put in a support group for human trafficking victims (Endslaverynow.org 1). She was put in jail for a year with those charges, only because she wanted to protect her family and keep them safe. Luckily she was able to escape and was put into a support group. It is important to know this because traffickers tend to scare some of their victims into doing difficult things. And when she escaped who knows if the guy she fell in love with had other girls in the past or even when she loved him. It's good to know she