Pg. 460 1-10
1. First responder- determine total number of clients
Basic- Lifting, moving, and transporting the client to a medical factory
Intermediate- perform advanced airway techniques
Paramedic- expertise to examine and interview the client
2. Evaluate scene for safety. Gain access to client and assess their illness/injury. As an EMT you can provide care to the client, can lift/move client, can transfer client, and can speak on behalf of the client.
3. Form a general impression, determine the level of responsiveness, assess the airway, assess breathing, assess circulation including presence of pulse and bleeding, make a decision regarding the priority or urgency of the client.
4. S- signs and symptoms
A- allergies
M- medications
P- pertinent past medical history
L- last oral intake
E- event proceeding
5. Never allowing smoking, never allow oxygen cylinders, never drop an oxygen cylinder, and always handle an oxygen cylinder with extreme care
6. They help by opening up the airway so the client can breathe and also help by making sure the tongue is not in the way.
7. Be sure to say “clear” and be sure everyone is clear of the client before delivering each shock.
8. If client is wet, dry them off. If client is laying on metal surface, avoid contact of the electrodes with the metal. If client has medication patches, immediately remove any patch. If client has a pacemaker or an internal defibrillator with battery pack, avoid placing pads directly on top of