180 10 Syllabus Spr 2015 Essay

Submitted By phoebe980311
Words: 1749
Pages: 7

California State University, Fullerton

Professor: Lisa Riggin, Ph.D.
Spring 2015 E-mail: lriggin@fullerton.edu
Section 180 – 10 Office Hours: TThur 1-2 pm
Class Time: TTH 2:30-3:45 Office: H 730 J
Room: H509

Survey of American History


This course is designed to help students to appreciate the importance of the political, economic, social, diplomatic, and intellectual development of the United States from prehistory to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the interconnections between events in the United States and the rest of the world and how those events have shaped our own connection with the past and the present. Among the themes of this course will be the “American identity.” As we look at the social changes that shaped the lives of American men and women in the workplace, family and community, we will also explore the specific cultural experiences that shape our nation as a whole.

Course Goals and Objectives:

1) To understand critically the historical development of American Institutions and values and their impact on the individual and collective lives of Americans.
2) To assess critically how the Constitution of the United States and government under the Constitution have shaped American democracy and contemporary American Society
3) To understand critically the political culture of citizen participation, including political parties, pressure groups, public opinion and the electoral process.
4) To recognize the significance of important cultural, intellectual, moral, and political struggles that have shaped contemporary American society.
5) To recognize the significance of the contributions of various ethnic and gender groups to American history, political institutions, and values within contexts of cultural accommodation and resistance.

Required Texts:

(Purchase at Little Professor Bookstore 725 N. Placentia; (714) 996-3313)
John M. Murrin, Liberty, Equality, Power Comprehensive, 6th edition
Stephen Ash, A Year in the South: 1865
Online Handouts: brief documents will be posted online Note: Be sure to check Titanium frequently

Course Requirements:

Term paper:
Your essay paper will focus on your reading of Ash’s A Year in the South. The requirement for this paper will be posted online. This assignment must be submitted on Titanium through Turn-It-In no later than 12:00 am (midnight) Friday, March 13th. I will not accept late papers or papers by e-mail, so please do not ask.

There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. These exams will be based on both the lectures and the assigned reading. Each exam may consist of multiple choice, matching, true/false and short essay. The exams are not cumulative. You will be given a study guide for each exam. Makeup exams: Strongly discouraged and may be all essay format, one grade penalty and a limit of one per semester. (Medical note or other supporting documentation required).

Participation and Attendance:
Class meetings are mandatory. Lectures serve as a guide in your studies and do not duplicate the textbook. Most meetings will include discussions activities that require active participation, not just your presence. Supplements on the course website on Titanium are useful for practice and training comprehension of readings and class activities. There are 10 weekly assignments (see Course Schedule) that, along with attendance, will make the 20% participation grade. These cannot be made up so please do not ask. Note: While I do understand that everyone has emergencies from time to time and I do sympathize, to be fair to the entire class I can’t give excused absences unless you have a documented medical emergency, campus related function, family emergency, etc.

Final grades will be determined as follows
In-class assignments/participation 100 points 20%
Midterm Exams (two) 200 points 40%
Essay 100 points 20%
Final 100 points 20%
500 100%