1850-1870 American Immigration Research Paper

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Pages: 4

1850-1870 United States Immigration Immigration to the United States of America has been going on for centuries and has had some profound impacts on America. During the early and the late 1800’s immigrants came to America looking for a better life. They wanted somewhere where they were free to practice their own religion, where they could have a better life to raise their children, and where they would be able to start a better life. Unfortunately we were racist to these immigrants thinking they were beneath us and that we shouldn’t give them anything. Without immigration though we wouldn’t be the country we are today with so many different cultural influences impacting our everyday lives. Even the Native Americans supposedly walked across …show more content…
(HistoryPlace) When they came to America though they changed, for the worse. In Ireland the Irish were well known for being honest and law abiding but being in the lower level of society changed them. (HistoryPlace) Women turned to prostitution and men and children were known getting drunk. (HistoryPlace) This released common stereotypes that Irish men were drunken brawling men who couldn’t earn their work. (HistoryPlace) Another thing that made American’s discriminate the Irish was that Irish men were willing to work jobs for meager pay making American’s lose their jobs. (HistoryPlace) The Irish were also part of the Catholic Church making even more reason for Americans to hate them and call them aliens to the Catholic Church. (HistoryPlace) Americans were mostly just scared of the Irish and when the Civil War kicked off the African American slaves were discriminated the Irish became less discriminated (HistoryPlace) In the 1860’s to 1870’s fifty percent of the immigrants that came to the United States were the Irish people. …show more content…
The first wave of Chines immigrants came in the 1840’s due to the California Gold Rush in San Francisco but there were only 2,716 Chinese immigrants that came to the U.S (Leaf Group) But after a crop famine in the 1850’s 20,026 Chines immigrants came to San Francisco. (Leaf Group) They worked at nearby Gold mines but then faced discrimination. (Leaf Group) The Chinese were routinely robbed at their mines and also had to pay a $3 Foreign Miners Tax that was directly used for them. (Leaf Group) Only about 11 percent of all immigrants in the United States were Chines. (Leaf