1919 Ring Lardner: The Most Famous Sports Writer

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Pages: 3

There are thousands of sports writers, but In 1919 Ring Lardner was very famous.
He wrote mainly about baseball, he also wrote about news. Lardner was the kind of guy that could change baseball writing and also people's perspective of the sport.(Goetsch) The series changed his writing and almost every sports writers writing. What it did was many people had to watch what they said about players. After the series more newspapers started to publish about baseball because people wanted to find out if more games were fixed or what happened to the eight players in court. Lardner happened to talk to Eddie Cicotte after the first series game, he

asked what happened. Eddie said he was sore. Ring later got the information the players got paid $20,000 for each loss in the series. He later wrote that the series was a big scandal.(Goetsch) Many people say do with the 1919 World Series, it made more people want to write about baseball and get jobs to monitor the MLB games. Since the incident the MLB has hired thousands of people to monitor and go inside and get information to make sure the games are not fixed.
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People even went as far as to bet on them.(Nathan) The bad thing is the people that bet on them did not know that the series had already been fixed. The betters kind of threw their money away. To this day people still bet friends money on games. There has never been a sports scandal like this. It is not the only time that players have thrown games, In 1877 four players threw games and were punished. Many authors still write about this because they want to tell how this changed