21st Century Heath Fogg Davis Summary

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Pages: 6

As younger generations begin to develop, thoughts and beliefs begin to change and progress into a new way of life. In more recent years, people have started to come out and address themselves as non-binary, meaning people who neither identifies or is exclusively female or male. With more people identifying themselves as non-binary the sense of urgency comes when wanting to be identified correctly and having their pronouns, such as they/them even if they aren’t grammatically correct, put on drivers license and other cards that help to identify the person. This is what the writer of How we’re Redefining Gender in the 21st Century Heath Fogg Davis is arguing for on the CNN website. Davis is a transgender male who has written a book, Beyond Trans: Does gender really matter?, has also gotten his Ph.D. and is a professor at the University of Temple and teaches about gender and sexuality. Davis …show more content…
In addition, the increase of people choosing to use they/them, Davis believes that “more cities and state governments [have] come to recognize non-binary gender classification [and] other organizations, like businesses, universities and the media, will have to navigate unfamiliar terrain (Davis 7).” This use of logos impacts the audience because it makes them believe in what he states later. This is to add structure to his approaches to integrate the gender-neutral pronouns into the business. With the audience now believing in what he has to say, this makes it easier for Davis to suede people into using one of his three approaches in an organization. This coexists with the main claim because it adds a foundation of belief in the audience about what Davis has to say. This logos allows for the persuasion of the audience which will in hope cause people to evaluate others gender and ending up getting it