A Communication-Based iVIarketing iViodei for iVianaging Reiationships
The authors propose a communication-based model of relationship marketing and discuss how communication
(rather than persuasion) is the foundation of the "new" customer-focused marketing efforts. The authors trace recent parallel shifts in communication and marketing theory and show the intersections between communication and marketing. Although communication always has been a critical element in marketing, the authors show how the increase in interactivity makes communication an even more valuable element of marketing by identifying those many points that link the two disciplines. Using the three key points at which the two disciplines intersect—messages, stakeholders, and interactivity—the authors develop a communication-based model of marketing. They demonstrate how interactive communication at three levels—corporate, marketing, and marketing communication—leads to the brand relationships that drive brand value.
n lhe opening session of the 1997 AMA Summer Educators" Conference, the chief executive officer of HarteHanks Dutu Technology called tor a new marketing iiKxicl to guide marketing in the interactive future (Swithenhank 1997). The communieation-hased marketing model presented here provides that type of direction for companies wanting to foeus their efforts better in acquiring, retaining, and growing reiationships with customers and other stakeholders.
The increasing need to manage relationship building bas brougbt fortb a variety of "new generation" marketing approaches—customer-focused, market-driven, outside-in, one-to-one marketing, data-driven marketing, relationsbip marketing, integrated marketing, and integrated marketing communications (IMC) (Cross and Smith 1995; Day 1992;
Parvatiyar and Sbetb 1994; Payne I99.S: Reichheld 1996;
Stewart 1995; Webster 1992. 1994; Whiteley 1991).
The increasing importance of communication in marketing is demonstrated by its ability to differentiate the.se new marketing approaches from traditional ones. Each approach emphasizes two-way communication through better listening to customers and interactivity and the idea that communication before, during, and after transactions can build or destroy important brand relationsbips {Duncan and Moriarty
1997; McKenna 1991; Peppers and Rogers 1993; Schultz et al. 1993; Zinkhan et al. 1996). In this article, we argue tbat the new generation marketing is best explained, understood, and accomplished with a communication-ba.sed model of relatitmsbip marketing.
We show tbat (I) there are common theoretical roots of comniunication theory and marketing theory that parallel and enrich each other; (2) marketing today is more communication dependent; (3) brand communication includes more tban marketing communication; (4) brand communication (both one- and two-way) operates at tbe corporate.
Tom Duncan is an associate professor and founder, and Sandra E. Moriarty is a professor. Graduate Program of Integrated Marketing Communication. University of Colorado.
Journal of Marketing
Vol. 62 (April 1998), 1-13
marketing, and marketing communication levels; (5) managing brand communication must take into consideration stakeholders otber tban just customers—employees, suppliers, channel members, the media, government regulators, and tbe community; and most important, (6) communication is the primary integrative element in managing brand relationships. Our objective, therefore, is to provide a deeper understanding of communication theory, so that companies can identify and manage better the brand comniunication tbat determines the quantity and quality of tbeir brand relationships, wbich we define as the relationships tbat exist between a brand or company and its stakcbolders. We look first at communication theory developments that parallel marketing theory developments and tben review points of intersection at which communication and marketing