4-Hrm/531 Week 3 Assignment

Words: 318
Pages: 2

As my 4-H career comes to an end, I look ahead at my new adventure and realize how much 4-H has impacted my life substantially. I began 4-H in third grade, and as I reflect on my 4-H career, I am grateful that I participated in this organization because it taught me so much about being responsible, how to be a good leader, and how to be compassionate with others. 4-H provides an opportunity for adolescents to improve personally. It helped me to grow and be responsible; it also taught me patience, and with the career path I chose, I believe 4-H has given me an advantage since over the years I have learned to be responsible and to be a problem solver, all of which will help me with my chosen career. After high school, I intend to pursue a degree