The items listed in the budget area (#8) b Throughputs (procedures to carry out program; transform inputs into outputs & outcomes) so list the results of the program i Service definition: clear statement of services (the “why”)
To make students college bound.
ii Service tasks: activities to be performed (the “what”)
One on one turtoring, computer programs, fundrasiors, team interactions with teachers and parents, plus peers
iii Methods of intervention: forms of the service(s) (the “how”)
1 Enabling
Opening service to 5 worse students per grade grades 5-11th
2 Teaching
Peer turtoring and computer programing
3 Facilitating
Building and transportation c Outputs (direct results of program activities) i Measured in units of service
1 Episode or contact units ?
2 Material units ?
3 Time units
Two days per group swap, Middle schoolers Monday Highschooler Tuesday, middle schooler wed. etc. FRIDAY FUN DAY OPEN FOR ALL. At least 2 hours per session. Saw improvement in grades ii How much service was received (intermediate output)?
An entire year, including academic school year plus summer, minus the breaks
iii Did client complete program (final output)? Total of 30 clients, 5 per grade , grades 5-11 th. Not all clients completed program, a total of 9 students did not finish. 2 dropped immediately from the program within the first month. 4 saw grades improving thus did not feel the need to finish. 2 completed 75 % program before dropping. 1 had personal problems that kept interfering.
d Outcomes (measurable change in quality of life of client between entry into and exit from a program) i Intermediate outcomes: short-term results at completion of services
The short term results of the program, was better scores of homework and test grades. The student finished the school year successfully.
ii Final Outcomes: long-term results at follow-up
The long term, better attitude towards school, understanding the material better, college bound.
iii Measuring Outcomes
1 Numeric counts: a series of yes/no questions
2 Standardized measures: previously developed measuring instruments commonly used in that particular field
3 Level-of-functioning scales: measuring scale developed by staff and others familiar with the local at-risk population being served (specific to the program or service)
4 Client satisfaction: client rating of a particular service (not the program)
Which was more effective, one on one tutoring, the fun computer games or the fundraiser events?
8 Budgeting cost:
1) Line items
2) Indirect and direct items
Startup costs & maintence costs
1) Nonprofit organizational loan
2) Tests, Licenses & permits
3) Hire real estate agent ($$) to look for building
4) Find building then obtain a home inspector ($$). Do paperwork, processing fee ($)
5) Pay down payment/deposit, 1st month rent ($$$)
6) The costs to turn on lights, water, air conditioner ($$$)
7) Any repairs, plus spruce the place up ($) (wall paint, furniture, basic necessities, such as toilet paper, food , refrigerator, microwave, kitchen appliances)
8) Computers, and installation fees
9) Learning materials, books, paper, pens etc for the set grade levels
10) Purchase transportation vehicle , Get permit/licenses &gas
11) Create and Print pamphlets and info for schools and parents ( OPEN FOR BUSINESS YAY!)
12) Monthly costs, for MLGW Bills, Rent, food and drinks, plus supplies! Cleaning supplies too
13) Repairs for broken technology or appliances, or bus
14) Maintain linceses and permits, yearly insurance?
15) GAS to and from, plus for events.. costs of handing out pamphlets and meeting with potential sponsors!, and throwing events
16) Employee costs, or deal with volunteers
6 data requirements :
a) The data that should be collected is 2 weeks report from teachers and grades, compare and contrast to previous grades and complaints even more compare it to other children’s grades who are not in