9/11 Short Stories

Words: 989
Pages: 4

It was a hell of a lot. The sun was scorching the terrain, baking my skin. As I pumped the water pump, drops of brown water seeped in the pail. Tumbleweeds bounced past me. My little brother, Tim Jr., sat contently on the barrel next to me, playing with his stuffed elephant toy. He had a strange complexion, consisting of wheat colored hair, bright eyes, tan skin that was splashed with freckles all over his face. Though he was only 5, he lost his two front teeth at age 4, so he had big buck teeth he couldn’t hide if wanted to. “When do you think it will rain again?” Tim asked. I don’t know what to do. We haven’t really seen it rain in a while have we?” I responded. It's been almost a year since it last rained. We heard rumors about clouds coming to us, …show more content…
I still heard Little Tim’s voice asking me when it was going to rain. I still felt his hand grasping on mine. Mama was still crying and now Papa was too. I looked down in shame. The storm was banging against our house harder than ever. The house creaked and cracked. The window flew open again. I ran to close it, but something large came hurtling toward me. It flew through the window, and the last thing I saw was a giant rock flying straight at my head. Then everything went black. When I woke up, light streamed from every direction. It blinded me, but it felt good. I was warm and I felt weightless. I looked around for Mama and Papa, but I couldn’t see them. My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw him standing in a large field of crops. The most beautiful and vibrant plants I’ve ever seen! Ripe, red tomatoes, huge, colorful corn, and beans and grapes spouting in all different directions. It was amazing. “How is this possible?” I muttered to myself. “Danny?” someone asked behind me. I was so startled I jumped and tripped to the ground. I turned around to see Tim. Little Tim. i am a “TIM! !” I shouted. I was so happy to be there. I didn’t know how to