He explains how design connects materiality with a sense of morality. This is a very important fac- tor as everyday artifacts, landscape, cities, genes and societies are to be redesigned to improve the way we live and to solve problems we may face. Latour also explores the ideas of Sloter- dijk’s philosophy stating that he is the go-to philosopher for design. Sloterdijk resolves the modernist ideas of fact ver- sus values and nature versus culture. Latour concludes by raising an import- ant question to designers: “where are the visualization tools that allow the contradictory and controversial nature of matters of concern to be represent- ed”. He argues that critiques and de- constructions of an object will not help find alternative ways of designing. He suggests that instead, tools are required to capture what has been the concealed practices of modernist innovations. He concludes by stating that “objects have always been projects; matters of fact have always been matters of concern”