Notes on the Documentary:
• Iraq is in the middle of the oil territory
• Oil fuels, causes and elongates war
• Public data about oil is misleading and is misunderstood
• Producing countries do not care for the future and only want more money o People in charge make poor decisions and will be dead before the problems start
• People did not think that the US would peak in oil o Thought it would go on forever
• Hubert’s Peak is the top of the oil production curve
• The better a job you do at exploiting oil, the faster it is gone
• Long time since the discovery of a new oil basin
• Drilling in Iraq vs. Digging in Canada
• Going to tar sands because the oil reserves are being used up
• Middle East is the only region that hasn’t peaked in oil usage
• Compared to mountain: gradual slope vs. cliff
• Demand is very high and supply is sparse
• …show more content…
Bush; Energy Investment Analyst
• Stone age to Horse; ran out of stones, Horse to Automobile; didn’t run out of hay
• Not doing enough research: no trial and arror1
Response to the Documentary
Oil is stated by many as, “the lifeblood of the economy”, and this is very strongly supported by today’s modern and advanced technology that is composed of or fuelled by oil. This valuable commodity however, was not always required because of its rarity as seen with gold and diamond, but due to its versatility as a chemical. Crude oil is what is found in the earth and deep oil drillers will drill for this substance. This drilling into the earth is not necessarily horrible, as it does not directly massively damage the Earth, but in order to set up the oil derricks, they must clear out the area surrounding, damaging the