• Chad: A piece of waste material removed from card or tape by punching.
• Hanging Chad: is a chad that is not completely detached from the ballot.
2. What was a hanging “chad?”
A hanging chad is piece of waste material that is not completely removed from a ballot by the voting machine. This can cause inaccurate counts.
3. What reasons does Patterson give for low voter turnout rates because of the registration process?
Patterson’s reasons for low voter turnout rates because the registration process are felony convictions, machine failure, poor ballot design, and procedural error.
4. Pick any state that Patterson mentions in Chapter 5. What did he say about the state when the book was published in 2002? Now use that state look it up on Frontline’s Ballot Watch website. Compare what is true of that state then and now.
Florida that is still true now, if you have a felony conviction you can’t vote.
5. What was the voter turnout rate in states with same day registration?
The voter turnout rate in states with sane day registration increased by five percent.
6. As you watch the Electoral College’s numbers rise and fall for George W. Bush and Al Gore what does Patterson say about other historical elections affected by the Electoral College results?
Patterson says …show more content…
The democrats are portrayed to be in control, now the republicans are in control. It is not clear that the newscasters aren’t truly sure if Bush or Gore will win the election. The news is very biased. The election is now all to close to call. I am having a hard time understanding why the newscasters are talking about the future presidential election and not the current one. I feel as though they are discouraging voter to continue to go out and continue voting in the current election, because they are already projecting a winner and their vote wont