1.2 Sequence of development means the order the child or person develop at For example baby’s sequence of development would be they have to learn to lift their head before they can learn to sit down. Rate of development is the speed of development a child develops at For example a baby at 10 months may start walking but another baby may start walking at 1 yr. Each child is unique with their rate of development but they should progress through the same progression of sequences of development. As practitioner it is important to look at their sequence of development in order to plan for them but it is also as equally important to look at their rate of development because sometimes they could have additional needs.
2.1 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors
2.1 Aspergers Syndrome A child with Aspergers syndrome is in the middle of the spectrum, one end is normal then Asperger and then Autism on the other end of the spectrum. Aspergers syndrome children cannot socialise properly so they cannot or they socialise