A Note On Steel Magnolias

Submitted By atldee1983
Words: 544
Pages: 3

Steel Magnolias
As discussed during the time allotted for our Team Agreement yesterday, we are scheduled to have our first team meeting by phone, Thursday October 9th, 2014; from 7 to 9 pm. I set up a conference call line that we can use during our time at KSU. This is the phone number and relevant information:
Toll Number:
(605) 562-0020
Meeting ID:
Playback Number:
(605) 562-0029
The Pin is only needed by the host of the conference call which will change with our roles. I have called and verified that the conference call center does work; and I opted to make it a “no reservation” number so we can use that line at any time, without preplanning. Because this number can be used for the duration of our program, please make a note of it. It would also be helpful if it was part of the template that we use for meetings. Secondly, when setting up this conference line I had the option to add online meetings, which includes screen sharing. I added this which gives us the capabilities to present things to our team.
I also set up a Google Account which can be used for Google Calendar, Google Drive, as well as Google Docs. The login information for that account is:
Login: KSUSteelMagnolias@gmail.com
Password: PAssword##08
I will export Moodle’s calendar and add that to this we are all well aware of when the assignments are due, in relation to our team calendar, although I have not done that yet.
I hope everybody had a safe drive home, and had a positive experience over orientation. During our Thursday call we will be addressing the following items, and will stick to the timeline. Please be logged into the conference call by 7:00.
Ø 7pm - 7:10: We will decide what guidelines we will apply to assignments. This includes things like the timeline for assignments and editing procedures.
Ø 7:10 – 7:15: We will define our Team’s Decision making process. I.E. Democratic, Consensus, or Consultive.
Ø 7:15 – 7:45: Conflict Management
Ø 7:45 – 8:15: Accountability
Ø 8:15 – 8:45: