I burst out crying into my hands; I cried for Phineas and for myself and for this doctor who believed in facing things. Most of all I cried because of kindness, which I had not expected”(Knowles 64). This paragraph is the beginning of Gene realizing just how guilty he feels. He cries because he harmed someone who genuinely cared for him, and he cries for himself because he just lost someone who was never wishing ill on him. He knows he does not deserve kindness, but he cries when he receives it because it is a reminder that not all people have a personal vendetta against him. He realized some people wanted to help. Eventually Gene reasons to himself, “If Phineas had been sitting here in this pool of guilt, how would he have felt, what would he have done?”(Knowles 66). From this question, Gene decides to open up to Finny about what he has done. Gene decides this is the only way to deal with his guilt. Knowles uses Gene to illustrate a perfect example of the inner workings of a teenage mind by writing about Finny’s fall, Gene’s initial reaction, and Gene’s guilt after what happened sinks