Staff and client discussed how her behavior has caused her to lose relationship within her home.
Staff praise client for demonstrating techniques she have learned by writing in her journal about her feelings.
Staff and client discussed how writing her triggers down have helped her to recognize them when they occur.
Staff encourage client to participate in community integrated function to improve her communicate skills.
Staff praise client for expressing her feelings in her journals.
Staff assist client in looking for an apartment in a better area.
Staff encourage client to reinforce self-control when she feels she is in a negative situation.
Staff and client discussed breathing exercise she can do when she feeling of being stressed out or when she feels angry.
Staff and client discussed how to accept positive and negative from others without her angry taking place.
Staff encourage client to channel her emotions and feeling into something positive.
Staff assist client in being aware of her temper and how she can use self-control.
Staff encourage client to use counting to ten and taking a deep breath to calm her from doing anything negative.
Staff and client discussed her reward chart and have she been gaining any rewards since she made the chart.
Staff and client talked about some of the entry in her journal and how she has applied them.
Staff assist client in practicing positive peer interaction.
Staff and client talked about her feelings when she feels overwhelmed.
Staff praise client for maintain a clean house and maintaining a job.
Staff encourage client to keep an open mind when someone is giving her positive feedback.
Staff and client discussed some of her short term goals.
Staff praise client for taking the steps she needs to help her in recovery from depression.
Staff and client talked about her self-defecting thoughts that she experiencing.
Staff praise client for showing improvement on her reward chart.
Staff encourage client to take one step and second at a time.
Staff and client discussed how she feels now that she has changed her behavior pattern.
Staff and client discussed way she can get her point across without having an outburst.
Staff and client discussed what causes her to disrespect other and their feelings.
Staff assist client in role playing how someone feels when she has displayed rude behavior.
Staff assist client in designing a self-awareness chart.
Staff and client talked about why it’s so hard for her to show respect to family members that stays in the household.
Staff and client talked about how she can improve her listening skills.
Staff and client discussed how it’s important to show respect to family and others.
Staff encourage client to take a self-timeout to reflect what she has to do to improve this behavior.
Staff and client discussed how important it is to listen to others.
Staff assist client in role playing when she is trying to talking to someone and they don’t listen how they feel.
Staff assist client in looking for employment.
Staff assist client in develop a better way for her to listen to other and allow them a chance to listen to her.
Staff and client discussed how she has improved on dealing with pasted experience.
Staff and client talked about ways she can increase respect for herself.
Staff assist client in develop some boundaries without being overwhelmed.
Staff encourage client to continue to participate in the community to develop her social skills.
Staff and client discussed how to go back and review her behavior and attitude.
Staff and client discussed how to use her judgment to know if she is around positive people.
Staff assist client to demonstrate her behavior when she is feeling low about herself esteem.
Staff and client talked about how she feels when someone makes a negative statement about her.
Staff encourage client to