Amber Coté
Pikes Peak Community College
The purpose of this paper is to become acquainted with the evolution of national incident
response over the last twenty years in America; and henceforth, gain a better understanding of
the current multi-agency/multi-discipline approach to national disasters and emergencies. This summary briefly reviews the history of federal planning documents over the past twenty years as context for the present day, National Response Framework; and then highlights the response doctrine and its five principles, as it seems to encapsulate the National Response Framework overall. “Response doctrine …show more content…
The new National Response Framework is based directly on the NRP and retains much of its content. (NFP, page2)
As mentioned previously, many of these systems developed as a response to the 9/11 attacks. The NRF is actually a requirement of the larger overarching National Strategy for Homeland Security (Strategy) that serves to guide and coalesce our country's security efforts to achieving the following four goals:
Prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks.
Protect the American people and our critical infrastructure and key resources.
Respond to and recover from incidents that do occur.
Continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success. The NRF obviously addresses the third goal. Yet, the Strategy goes one step further in acknowledging that catastrophes on our soil are certain; but no matter how unprecedented or extraordinary those incidents are, it is our collective duty to provide the best response possible, as daunting and inspiring as that may be. (Strategy, page 1) That charge is a lot less daunting when you take into account, a key aspect and recurring theme of the NRF is that “the best possible response” is founded in preparedness. Preparedness is defined in the six essential activities for responding to an incident: plan, organize, train, equip, exercise, and evaluate and improve. (NRF, page 27) As indicated throughout all the