Essay A6 Communication Styles

Submitted By mandahig
Words: 438
Pages: 2

It is important that Teaching Assistants are able to adapt their verbal and non-verbal communication techniques when speaking to adults, children and young people.
Consider the types of situations in which you may be communicating with adults and pupils. Complete the table to show how you would use both verbal and non-verbal communication. An example has been completed for each.
Communicating with adults
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
1. Team meeting
Using a professional tone, sharing ideas when relevant
Making eye contact, showing that you are listening carefully, waiting your turn to speak without interrupting
2. Speaking with a parent with ESOL needs
Speak slowly and clearly
Make eye contact, use visual aids
3. Speaking to a parent about their child's behaviour
Use a professional tone, clearly stating the extent of their child's behaviour and try to determine if there is an underlying reason for their child's behaviour
Remain calm but assertive
4. During an appraisal
Remain professional, put ideas across clearly, share ideas
Maintain eye contact to show you are listening, do not interrupt speak when it is your turn to speak
Communicating with pupils
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
1. A pupil has fallen over in the playground
Using a sympathetic tone of voice and positive words to recognise that they are brave, outlining first aid treatment
Making eye contact, talking to them at their level, frowning to show that you feel sorry for them
2. Children arguing in the playground
Empathise but also explain that it is not appropriate behaviour and explain that it is nice to play together