Another notable figure with AIDS was an American actor by the name of Rock Hudson. Hudson was a much loved figure in Hollywood so when he announced the news of his acquired disease the nation was in shock. When he announced to the world he had AIDS there was still not much known about the disease and it was still thought be a disease that only affects homosexual males. Since Rock Hudson now had this disease he wanted to raise awareness for AIDS so people wouldn’t be discriminated against just because everyone is ignorant as to just what AIDS is and how it spreads instead of just blindly believing that it’s only in homosexual males and it spreads on contact.
There was also a case 1985 where a middle school student was expelled from a school in Indiana for having AIDS. This student was named Ryan White and he was diagnosed with AIDS in December 1984. After the news spread about White having AIDS, scared and unenlightened parents protested White’s return to school because they didn’t know much about AIDS. This same ignorance not only affected homosexual men but it was also the cause of suffering for this young boy in Indiana. If people back then knew as much as we do know about AIDS then there would have been no problem with White going on with school. In fact there would have probably been multiple fundraisers and rallies for him. After his death however many organizations began to have charities dedicated to AIDS research and AIDS treatment in honor of Ryan White who was a huge public figure for AIDS awareness.
AIDS victims faced discrimination not only at school but at the work place as well. On June 23, 1986 it was declared that it was not legal to fire employees afflicted with AIDS. This was only allowed to happen because no one knew much about AIDS so they were afraid of it. Also even though