ATI Active Learning Scenarios

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Pages: 4

Active Learning Scenario A nurse is caring for a 5 month old child with a hip spasm. What should the nurse recommend for inclusion in the care of this client? Use the ATI Active Learning Template: Therapeutic Procedure to complete this item. NURSING INTERVENTIONS: List at least five actions the nurse should include in the child's care. I learned that the nurse should follow the mnemonic “5 Ps” when assessing the injured areas for adequate perfusion and as part of a neurovascular check. The 5 Ps are” pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, and paralysis. Assess the capillary pressure of the toes and the infant’s ability to move their toes. I learned that reporting any changes in circulation, sensation, and movement is the highest nursing priority …show more content…
CLIENT EDUCATION: List at least six instructional points the nurse should include for the client and the client's guardians. I learned that the nurse should teach the family to use their palms to turn or lift the child with a spatula when the spatula is still drying b/c using fingertips can indent the case, which can cause pressure points and increase the child’s risk for skin breakdown. I learned that the parents should be taught to reposition and turn the infant frequently to promote drying of the cast. I learned that the nurse should teach the family to keep the tape “petals” (pieces of tape around the cast edges) in place because it will prevent the edges from causing skin irritation or breakdown. I learned that the nurse should teach the parents of the child with a spica cast to use a disposable diaper under the edges of the spica cast. A disposable diaper is preferred because it will prevent the cast from getting wet or dirty. I learned that the nurse should teach the parents to always keep the spice cast